Sunday 3 June 2007

Mrs Windsor......

I think that Leanne & Bethan are wrong to boycott the opening of the Welsh Assembly because they have a problem with it being opened by the Queen.

As republicans, they clearly resent the involvement of an old woman of German & Greek descent who has inherited her position by an accident of birth, but at the end of the day this is our Assembly – our Parliament in waiting – and they should be proud of the fact that we at least have an Assembly to open.

What the two ladies should be protesting about is the fact that this assembly still has painfully few real powers, and that any democratically agreed new laws can simply be vetoed by ‘our’ governor general in Westminster. They should protest the fact that OUR assembly is being opened by a visiting head of state and not by one of our own, and that the Union Jack will fly above the Red Dragon for the day to remind us of our inferior status.

The only way to avoid this forelock-tugging is to achieve Welsh Independence, and I urge the pair to openly campaign for this cause.

In the meantime, if they don’t like her title, then why don’t they just address her as

Mrs Windsor, or can I call you Liz….’

Or maybe Guten Tag Kyria.....


Sion Owain said...

very true!

No offence to Bethan and Leanne but the people of Swansea can wait for a day.

On a day like this there is a need to show unertiy within the party and to show the Welsh public that Plaid can work and stand hand in hand with other parties. Then maybe more people will come around and hope for a Rainbow Coalition.

Normal Mouth said...

Greek descent? Philip, yes. The Queen, no.

hafod said...

You call on people to highlight the democratic deficit regarding the relationship with the English monarchy. These two do just that in the clearest and most symbolic way possible - and you slag them off!
If this is a blog for Welsh independence, I'm a banana.

Independence means breaking the link with the monarchy, unless we really are a bunch of forelock-tugging royalists after all.

Sion Owain said...

Hafod said....
"Independence means breaking the link with the monarchy, unless we really are a bunch of forelock-tugging royalists after all."

Your true with breaking the link with the monarchy, but where a long way off.

At present the only way to gain independance is through a referendum. The only way for that to work at present is for Plaid Cymru to be in power.

The only way for Plaid Cymru to be in power is through the rainbow colation. With Bethan and Leanne going to see the homeless in Swansea this does not show unity within the party. And that people within Plaid are ready to work together with other parties. This then reflects badly on the party.

Anyway whoever open's the Assembly you should'nt care. As an Assembly member you should be there to represent your electrol area, does'nt care what party you are or what you views are, your are appointed to the Assembly to represent the population of your electrol area, not juts the ones who voted for you.

MH said...

Hafod, I want independence, and I would prefer to see the monarchy disbanded, but I really don't much care to link the two issues.

Why on earth should we make it HARDER for ourselves? Whether we like it or not, many Welsh people have great affection for the royal family. I don't undersatnd why, but I'd be a banana not to accept it. I would be quite content to be as independent from the UK as New Zealand, Canada, Belize or Papua New Guinea (I could name another dozen) are ... for now.

Once we have independence, we can THEN deal with who should be head of state. It's a secondary, unrelated issue.

hafod said...

We're a long way off a lot of things but if we start compromising on basic principles like democracy and self-determination then we might as well give up now.
Unfortunately, it seems some people have lost hope that there can be radical change in Wales and are content with tinkering at the edges rather than taking on the establishment head on.
Fine - go and join the Liberal Democrats. They're good at that kind of thing.

If you're serious about independence then poncing on about linking up with the Tories shows a serious lack of understanding of the Conservative and Unionist Party.

MH said...

But Hafod, we're NOT compromising democracy and self-determination. We will get independence WHEN that's what most people want. We will vote out the monarchy WHEN that's what most people want!

What do you mean by "taking on the establishment head on"? Armed resistance? Of course not. But all democratic means, certainly ... which includes protests and non-violent resistance in my book.

In the election virtually as many people voted Tory as voted Plaid. This is REALITY. The Tories have just, and the LDs have for a long time, wanted a full Welsh Parliament with primary law making (and tax varying?) powers. Between us we want to go in exactly the same direction ... for now. So what's wrong with joining forces to get it. Plaid can't do it on their own.

The AWA is a black-and-white document. It will be signed and public. I don't see how the Tories could agree to it, but they have! If they renege on it, it will be plain for all to see, and they'll suffer in the polls for it.

Independence is a journey. We've come a long way since we were recognized as a political entity in 1955. If that was "A" and full independence with an established constitution is "Y", I'd guess we were probably at "F". Let's go on to a parliament like Scotland's (a "J"). In the meantime Scotland will have advanced through to "P" as it gets greater fiscal autonomy (raising and retaining most of its own taxes). The Tories probably want to get off at "L", the LDs to go on to "P".

But that's down the line. We have to set up institutions that will mature into the organs of state: a civil service, a treasury, a central bank, a separate legal system, an autonomous health and social security system, direct national involvement in the EU and UN ... and more. These institutions can't be conjured from thin air overnight. People have to see them and see how they work before they'll be prepared to let go of the UK security blanket (in a Linus sense).

The one BIG fear I have is that Scotland will gain its independence (probably in 2015/16), Ireland will be united (not more than five years after), and the British establishment will shut the stable door in reaction and tie us in forever. If we stand around holding out for a no compromise "all-or-nothing" we will get the nothing. Not because of our lack of commitment on blogs like this, but becasue we need to take at least another third of our unconvinced fellow countrymen with us.

Anonymous said...

My concern with Leanne & Bethan, is not their ideals, which I share.

My concern is with their naivety. Their flouncing off might let everyone know where they stand, but if they are serious about republicanism, they should realise that this will only come about through independence, which in the short term means getting more Plaid AMs.Their actions work against this.

If this pair want to be treated as serious politicians then they shoud start acting like ones.

Dont they have to take an Oath of Allegiance ? If they felt that strongly then why did they take it?? Maybe because they wouldnt get paid.......

Megan Tegan said...

I think its right for Leanne & Bethan to boycott this event. Leanne has been consistent with this. I think more Plaid Cymru members should support them. I'm sure there are 1 or 2 rebublicans in the labour party - they should 'come out' and support them. Well done both.

huwcaint said...

I felt almost physically sick as I watched Dafydd El escorting Mrs Windsor while children were again used as Unionist propaganda. The flag waving reminded me of Royal visits to the colonies on the telly in the Sixties.There wa seven a gunboat in the harbour. Why?
We should be asking why our leaders are kowtowing to the very symbols of our subjugation. They should be showing unity of purpose with Bethan and Leanne. They are spending so much time with the Unionists in the Senedd they are forgetting why people are slogging the streets to get them elected ... and why people are voting for them!!!
We shouldn`t be saying well done Bethan and Leanne, we should be wanting to say well done Plaid for taking a stand against the UK state.
Is this really too much to ask of the party of Independence. The last time laws were made in Wales, Glyndwr was in charge. If he was in Cardiff this week, I wonder what he would make of our AMs. Would a man even of his stature decide to walk in despair into Cardiff Bay and end it all ? Leanne and Bethan ...WELL DONE!

alanindyfed said...

Our Tywysog - the Prince of Wales

Formerly Wales was ruled by princes. We hear of Prince Madoc, Prince Llywelyn, Prince Rhys, Prince Gruffydd, and the legendary Prince Seithennin. We hear of Hywell Dda and his law-making.
The Prince Wales has today is not Welsh; his blood and his genes are German and English, though he takes his duties seriously enough and, though considered eccentric by many, he has excellent ideas in regard to such matters as conservation, the environment, self-sufficency, sustainability and tasteful architecture. He was a friend of Sir Richard St. Barbe-Baker, the "Man of the Trees", who had notions about re-afforesting the Sahara desert.
In a sense it is interesting that the position of Prince of Wales was created by the monarchy because it shows that Wales was considered to be an entity apart, just as Scotland is. Yet the forces of the union have always tried to draw Wales into an uncertain alliance, which was given the title "Great Britain". Whether the name "Great" signifies the fact that Britain was a sea-faring nation, a colonising nation or a group of united peoples I have no idea, but what is clear is that England has attempted to dominate its neighbours and assume the role of a central power, naming itself Britain.
Ireland struggled for 400 years to free itself from the yoke of domination, and the interesting thing is that the Union flag cannot be seen flying alongside the Irish tricolour anywhere in the land. One can see the Stars and Stripes there as well as the flag of Europe, but no Union Jack.
After all, there are 60 million Irish descendants living in the United States. Apart from the Famine, disaffection with British rule and the iniquities of religious intolerance led people to emigrate to seek a better life, to America, to Australia and to Patagonia.
Our adopted Prince is now to make Wales his home, or one of them, and has purchased a property and land in Dyfed, near Llan ym Ddyfri (or what the English call Llandovery). The princes of England can do no more harm to Wales, now that their divine right to rule has long expired, and we should extend the hand of welcome. Hospitality has always been one of the prime virtues of the people of Wales. Yet the prince may be made aware of the fact that Wales, or Cymru, is a nation not to be ignored or relegated to being a peripheral part of Britain. We do not wish to be associated with perfidious Albion.

Alan in Dyfed

Posted by alanindyfed at 00:28 0 comments

Labels: The Princes of Wales

Friday, 1 June 2007
Welsh Independence - the British

The British ("Welsh")

The word "British" refers to the people who inhabited this island at the time of the Roman invasions. Following the departure of the Romans from Britain, the people were forced to defend themselves against invaders from across the North Sea, known as Angles,Saxons and Jutes. The Celtic Britons were slowly pushed to the northern and western extremities of the island of Britain, Cumbria, Wales and Cornwall. They were called Welsh (or "foreigners") by the Teutonic invaders, who settled in the area known as England. The Britons themselves referred to themselves as "Cymry" and the name lives on in Cumbria and Cymru, the official name for Wales.

Many of the Cornish migrated to Brittany, where they became colonised by the French. Wales and Cornwall (Welsh of the horn) were colonised by the English. However they both retained their language (Welsh and Breton) and their national culture. There were several notable insurrections against colonisation, one under the leadership of Owain Glyndwr, who set up a separate parliament in Machynlleth. Other insurrections were led by Prince Llywelyn, Prince Rhys ap Gruffydd and Prince Gruffydd ap Rhys.

Following the devolution in government at the end of the last century, Wales is now ready to assert its nationhood and separate identity, and to take its rightful place among the nations of Europe. It has taken several centuries to throw off the yoke of control from London, but now it is within reach, and there is an atmosphere of resurgence in the nation. There are resistances, from the elements of the population who have become "anglicised", and those who are staunch in their belief in the union, and from those who have no interest in their heritage, language and culture. The march towards independence, though fraught with obstacles, is inexorable and, led by Plaid Cymru and other Welsh zealots, it leads towards a new and exciting future for the nation. The watchword is "Ymlaen" / forward! Cymru am byth!

Alan S. Jones

Posted by alanindyfed at 23:34 0 comments

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Ddraig Goch said...

No to a coalition, Plaid Cymru should stand alone and put their policies forward for the benefit of the people of Wales.
If a policy receives support from the other parties this will be to the credit of Plaid Cymru.
If it is defeated then the other parties will be seen in the eyes of the public as puppets of Westminster and not observing the will of the people i.e. a consensus policy supporting an issue on its merit.
Ignore this principle and it will result in another election, however I believe that common sense may prevail and the will of the people will be observed.
The decision is yours!

Unknown said...

There is a lot of merit in the comments of ddraig goch. It is important that Plaid does not become tainted or associated with other groups but has clear policies and stands alone. People need to see what Plaid stands for (the nation's interests) and that it is strong enough to be sufficient unto itself.

Alan in Dyfed