Monday 16 April 2007

A Nuclear Wales

It has been widely reported that because of concerns about Scottish independence the Ministry of Defence is considering relocating the Trident submarine fleet and their lovely nuclear missiles away from Faslane, Scotland.

What has not been reported so widely is that there are four possible alternative sites under consideration - including one in Wales!

Presumably this is in Milford Haven - can you imagine the consequences of a nuclear tipped submarine bumping into one of those huge LNG tankers ?????

This is another compelling reason to campaign for Welsh independence - before we are blown off the map altogether!!!!!!


Korakious said...

I can't understand for the life of me why you would oppose a nuclear base in Wales!

Don't you know that the British government keeps them for our own good?

They care, I tell you!

Aled Wyn said...

In what possible way can nuclear weapons be in "our own good"? The concept on which nuclear deterance lies on is based on our and a potential enemy's mutual destruction. Surely this is not for our "own good". If a nuclear power decides to attack the UK (which is hiighly unlikely in a post cold war world), they will target the main military bases first i.e a nuclear base in Wales, is that good for us?

Anonymous said...

Uh ...I think Korakious was being a bit ironic.....

steve said...

if wales becomes independent we will need to use nuclear power for the short term, but after that we should arm are selfs with nuclear warheads if we are to truly be seen as the great nation we are.

Sam Coates said...

Yes, because a nation of 3 million would have the spare cash to build nuclear missiles....

Bonheddwr said...

Steve is taking the p**s - hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Can we have a space program as well?