Monday 22 January 2007

32% in favour of independence

Political arrogance boosts support for independence

Despite Governor Hain's amateur dramatics about the 'Balkanisation of Britain' and his arrogant dissmissals of Wales' capabilities as a nation, support for Welsh independence is growing, according to a new poll.

The latest poll, conducted by the Wales on Sunday newspaper (21/01/07), shows support for independence at 32%, with a minority of respondents - 49% - opposed to independence.

The telephone poll asked 500 people - 125 in each of the north, mid, south-west and south-east areas of Wales.

This shows support for independence - now that it is suddenly debated publicly following the BBC's poll last week - on the increase.

This clearly demonstrates the need for Welsh independence to be on the political agenda so that the case for Wales can be put to the people.


Anonymous said...

20% last week - 32% this week - and we have hardly begun to discuss the I-word openly!!

Everything is moving in the right direction........

Unknown said...

great news. Glad you pointed out the shallowness of the BBC Wales 'poll' earlier