Sunday 25 March 2007

The Independence Debate

The independence debate is alive and kicking in Scotland - see this latest series of articles in the Scottish Herald:

A lot of the points made are directly applicable to Wales.

If only we had a Welsh media to air these views...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Penddu. Yes, Welsh media is attrotious, not just concerning independence, but on Welsh politics in general. Why don't we get any oppinion polls on Welsh matters and how Welsh people would vote at any given time? And why haven't our representatives in the Senedd done anything about it? Surely it is in every political party's interests to keep abreast of public oppinion? On the newspaper front and as a Welsh speaker I'm hoping that Y Byd will do something to address this matter, though that won't of course be of much help to the remaining 80% of the population.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we get the media we deserve.....

The Western Mail is not perfect by a long way, but try and imagine a Wales with out it!!